Dirt Devils Digest May 2014
May 2014
A monthly publication of the Dirt Devils |
June is election month.
Open positions:
President Vice president Secretary Treasurer Election officer |
Newsletter editor Safety officer Run coordinator Hospitality Adopt A Trail |
Membership dues is
now due.
CAL4WD $45.
Annual club dues $36.00
Spouse is
At the last meeting there was talk of committing a certain number of hours to the adopt a trail program. What do you think? Without the adopt a trail program a lot of these trails would be shut down.
There has been no change in cow bell ownership, who is next?
In the club info section of this newsletter I have added a template for run announcements and run reports.
Because I know you wanted to know my son Eric has finished boot camp and is now stationed at Goodfellow Air Force Base in Texas.
Remember, buy your
CAL$WD Jeep raffle tickets. This is a very important fund raiser for
See you on the trail.
Jesse May
Table of contents
Forest Service news
A sign requiring visitors to display an Adventure Pass inside a parked vehicle is seen at the Maple Spring Trailhead in Silverado Canyon. A judge has ruled that the Forest Service can no longer charge fees for visitors who simply park and explore in undeveloped areas of Cleveland, Los Padres, Angeles and San Bernardino national forests.
Safety report
When on the trail, check for the people behind you. They should be in your rear view mirrors, especially when coming to turn and make sure they see the turn. Had a couple people get lost at Calico. When on the trail, check
Adopt-a-Trail – Roger and Roy
Roger went to the Adopt-a-Trail meeting and talked to Greg. The go-around idea is scraped and is not needed. Greg watched some of the traffic going through and the trail is fine as is, especially since it’s a black diamond trail.
Ray noted that Roger and Roy are being depended on very heavily to keep this going and the club should make more of a commitment and how many hours can be committed in order to take the burden off them. Roger thinks that the club put in 500 hours last year. Ray would like to see it put in an addition 10% this year. Some discussion of a financial incentive to get people to volunteer more.
Current hours –124.6
Additional hours for meeting. Had two people there, so include 8 hours, making new total 124.6.
for the people behind you. Had a couple people get lost at Calico.
Anza Borrego – Pinyon Mountain 4/12/14
Friday, April 11, Rick Walter and Pete Johnson caravanned down from
Corona to Blair Valley at Anza Borrego and set up camp in the usual
Dirt Devil’s spot. Chris Slaughter joined us later in the
afternoon with his Cherokee, and we spent an enjoyable
not-too-chilly evening around the campfire swapping lies before
turning in.
At O-dark-thirty the next morning Dan Ward arrived at the campsite, and we proceeded to the meeting spot at the head of Blair Valley, where Tim DeBolt and shotgun, Charlie Hentges, soon showed up. We left for the trail at about 9 AM under sunny skies, with Pete leading and Rick running tail.
Pinion Mountain trail is in good shape, and all five jeeps slid
through the Squeeze with no problems. Well, Chris did get some
scrapes on his driver’s side door. Amazingly, Tim’s SWB
JK was the tightest fit, due to tire size and wheel offset. We
proceeded on to Heart Attack Hill, which also has not seemed to
change since the last run. Again, all jeeps descended with no
problems. Chris did air out the underside of his passenger-side rear
tire at the lip, but he says he’s used to getting it airborne.
Rick, without a spotter, took the right-side route down the hill,
and made it look easy.
headed down the trail to Heart Attack Hill has been another obstacle
that, in the past, has pointed a few bumpers at the sky, and sat
some Jeeps on the spare tire. This ledge has been graded and,
personally speaking, will not be missed.
After stopping for lunch at Split Rock, we proceeded down the Fish Creek drainage and, after a little fumbling around due to the leader’s seniorized memory, we headed north up the side canyon to Diablo Dropoff. Due to the lack of rain this year, the whole hill is soft, deep sand. Everyone exercised the skinny pedal on the way up. Chris got the most exercise, as he took three passes before topping the grade. Between the first and second pass, he took the record for backwards speed on the hill. Between the second and third pass, he aired down some more. I don’t know if it was less air or more resolve that got him to the top on the third pass, but he made it with flying colors.
We headed south from the dropoff and took an alternate route back to S-2, through Canyon Sin Nombre. This route starts west through mud hills, and just when I was beginning to think the canyon didn’t have a name because it doesn’t deserve one, a short section of rocks appeared. And draped all over the rocks were coed geology students from the University of San Diego. Surely this canyon deserves a name! But will it be printable?
We reached S-2 south of Sweeney Pass, and the wind was blowing a gale. Anzo reminding us where we were. No injuries, major damage, breakdowns, or cowbells. A good run. And Dan’s new JK 4-door, with stock lift and 31” tires, came through it all without a scratch.
Corral Canyon- 5/3/14
Rick Walter and Pete Johnson camped at the Bobcat Meadows Camp Ground Friday night. Randy called Pete around 11 pm Friday night and related that an equipment failure caused his trailer brakes to lock up on Buckman Springs Road almost to the entrance of Corral Canyon OHVA. The resulting roadside excursion tore a big hole in his camper shell. No one was hurt, no damage to the Jeep, and no other vehicles involved, but extremely discouraging to Randy and Donna after fighting traffic for about 7 hours. Donna was already nursing a broken foot. Sometimes if we didn't have bad luck, we would have no luck at all...
Trail Leader Danny Ward and better half Linda, Josh Bleijenberg with friend Chip German riding shotgun, and Gilbert Vasquez arrived early Saturday. Since all known participants were present, we headed out from the meadows with four wranglers and a Cherokee, all with lockers, good ground clearance, and decent articulation.
We headed from Bobcat Meadows camp ground, about a mile south of the Four Corners staging area at the OHVA in San Diego County around 9 am, Saturday. Our goal was to try some of the new offshoot trails that the Tierra Del Sol Club had created. On the way we were delayed by a large rattlesnake sunning in the middle of the trail. The rattler was not pleased when snake wrangler, Rick Walters herded the rattler off the trail.
We made a right turn onto Morena Stokes Road and headed for Gunslinger. Just short of the entrance to Gunslinger we came upon a new metal trail sign. The name, “Peacemaker” was cut through 1/4" plate with "Tierra Del Sol" in cursive below. No indication of difficulty level or length. This trail, first of three offshoots we found, was short (about 1100 yards, with 70' of ascent and 80' of descent), but it had some decently large rock obstacles, but not enough to convince a guy to make his “peace.” That would come later.
The second offshoot we found is called "Diamondback,” a more sinister moniker. It turned out to be both longer and more difficult than Peacemaker, at about three-quarters of a mile, 80' of ascent, and 120' of descent, with larger rocks, bigger drops, tighter squeezes, more articulation, and twisty.
"Winchester,” the third offshoot was tiny, only about 200 yards long, but interesting nonetheless, easier than the others by far.
We headed East after Winchester and about a half mile later came to the exit from Bronco Peak trail. The trail leader suggested we try Bronco Peak backwards, and we were all silly enough to agree. The backside of Bronco has been getting more and more eroded over the last few years, and we shortly realized that we were in for a few challenges. Just how many we didn't know, but it soon became apparent that turning around wasn't going to be an easy way out.
After about a quarter mile we got to the Bronco Peak Connecter turnoff, which we intelligently avoided, and after a couple more hours of battling obstacles, many of which needed a spotter to negotiate, we reached the summit. WHEW! But the way down had some interesting obstacles, too, so it took us quite a while to get back down to the loop road.
We got back to Bobcat Meadows about 5 pm, tired but exhilarated. No injuries, cowbells, major damage, or breakdowns. A gentle breeze moderated the warm temperatures. Overall a good run, at least on the trail. Challenging, strenuous, and interesting, and running Bronco Peak backwards makes it a very different trail. Without good equipment, good drivers, excellent spotting, and some minor road building and maintenance, it could easily have turned into a midnight run. Many thanks to Tierra Del Sol for constructing the offshoots on Gunslinger. They make for a much more entertaining trail.
After some jolly debriefing at Bobcat Meadows, Danny and Linda hit the highway, while Rick, Josh, Chip, Gilbert, and Pete enjoyed another night at camp. The overnight low dropped to about 50, but there was plenty of firewood thanks to Gilbert.
On the way home Sunday, Josh had some excitement when his left front wheel decided to part company from the jeep at about 65 mph on I-80. The tire and wheel passed him, and headed for places unknown in the brush in the freeway median. Meanwhile, hot metal from the exploded wheel assembly had started a small brushfire alongside the road, which, thankfully, Gilbert ran back and extinguished.
8:30am at Rock Road
32150 Hilltop Blvd Running
Springs, CA
next to the 76 gas station
31 - June 4th Grand Cyn North Rim
Run Leader: Rick Walter rick03tj@gmail.com
1st night at St George
2nd night at Kelly Point
3rd night somewhere between Twin Point and Grand gulch mine
4th night St George
300 miles loop from St George and back to St George
pictures are 3 years old
14 - 15 Forest Fest
21 - Adopt-a-Trail
28 - John Bull/ Holcomb Josh Bleijenberg
4th - Gold Mtn Night run see the Big Bear Lake fireworks Rick Walter
26 - Adopt-a-Trail
24 - 27 Jeepers Jamboree 62nd annual
Georgetown to Lake Tahoe via the Rubicon Trail
- 3 Jeep Jamboree
36th annual
Georgetown to Lake Tahoe via the Rubicon Trail
– 10 Sierra
Trek (Cal-4-Wheel)
Creek trail one of the top trails in California
23 - Adopt-a-Trail
13 - 14 Sherman
Danny Ward/ Pete Johnson
27 - Adopt-a-Trail
4 - 5 Off-Road Expo
17 - 19 Operation Desert Fun (Cal-4-Wheel)
18 - Last Chance Canyon Rick Walter
25 - Adopt-a-Trail
7 - 9 PVD (Cal-4-Wheel)
27 -
30 Niland- North Glamis (Thanksgiving)
Ron Webber
13th Cleghorn Joel Card
17 thru 22nd
Lake Havasu sidewinder’s
The Sidewinders put on a really well organized event with trails ranging from “Easy” to “Very Challenging”.
Ettinger 2014 Jeep with a few mods, has more to do.
Emerick putts around in a 2014 Rubicon no damage yet, but is ready
to test it out.
Slaughter can be seen in a ’94 Cherokee and a ¾ ton
GMC 35’s and a 6” lift. (4th visit)
recently visited Calcite mine in Anza Borrego
FA #1 (red, blue backpack)
Mike Ortega Adopt a
FA #2 (Orange canvas bag)
Josh Bleijenberg
April 2014
Roger Mauer
Feb 2014
FA #3 (Orange canvas bag)
Pete Johnson April
Ron Webber March 2014 Calico
CAL 4 Wheel Drive, new member award
Available at the regular meetings, see Emi Webber.
Devil Stickers: $15.00.
Short sleeve shirts: $15.00
sleeve shirts: $18.00
Sweatshirts: $30.00
Hats: $20.00
logo magnets available in various sizes for $4.50 to $13.50
$25 for ¼ page
ad, for 3 issues
$50 for a ½ page ad, for 3 issues
for a full page ad, for 3 issues.
A full page ad also gets a Web
President: Jesse May: jemay.xj@gmail.com
Vice President: Ray Kleinhuizen kkfusedglass@roadrunner.com
Secretary: Cheryl May: jemay.xj@gmail.com
Treasurer: Emi Webber: emiwebber@hotmail.com
Web Master: Mike Ortega: mike@topwebsiteplacement.com
Adopt a trail chairman:
Roy Chance: rchance@aol.com
Roger Mauer: rogermauer@gmail.com
Newsletter: Ron Webber: webbermail@cox.net
Hospitality: Emi Webber: emiwebber@hotmail.com
Safety Committee: Randy Huddleston: hudd1@pacbell.net
Run Coordinator: Rick Walter rick03tj@gmail.com
First Tuesday of
each month,
6:30pm for Dinner & 7:30pm for the meeting at
just east of Imperial Hwy and north of the 91 Fwy.
Callenders. 5711 East La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92807, 714-779-0600
Run name:
Run leader:
Number of rigs:
The story:
Cow bells earned:
Extra info
If camping describe camp site and would you camp there again or would you recommend a better camp site?
Meeting place:
Departure time:
Was there an objective?:
Describe the trail:
Lessons learned?
Vehicle carnage:
Juicy tidbits:
Trail difficulty: on a scale of 1 to 5
Ending place:
Finish time:
A few pictures:
If possible use GPS coordinates for future reference.
If necessary write directions to the trail head.
These run reports will be saved for future reference.
Research and/or Pre-run the trail route.
Create and Post a Run
When emailing the run announcement: Please, use
the words “Run Announcement” in the Subject line of the
message, forward to the webmaster and newsletter editor.
Date/Time and Place for the Run
Description of Run
Difficulty Rating scale 1 to 5
Run Type: Base Camp, Day Run
Directions to Meeting Place.
EXACT Departure Time from Meeting Place
Required Equipment. Open dif ? Lockers?
Is Special Equipment Required?
Is RSVP Required?
Are Permits Required? (Forest Adventure Pass etc.)
CB Channel start with channel 4, if to much traffic then switch to 5 and so on.
HAMM channel 146.440
Camping Location/ Directions/ Details/ Facilities/ Fees. Access for motor homes? Very little ground clearance? Deep soft sand?
Expected Weather Conditions.
Contact Information
(Run Leader
Phone Number & email address)
Please, cover all the needed information in the Run Announcement rather than say “contact me for details”.
Hold brief driver’s gathering before start of run. Include special instructions.
Assign vehicle order if there are vehicles with open diffs. Have vehicle with locked diff in front & behind. (If possible disperse vehicles with HAM radios near the front, middle and rear of the line.
Encourage drivers to learn the name of the person in front and behind his/her vehicle.
Assign Tail Gunner Vehicle
Give 5 Minute Warning before start
Begin Run ON TIME or notify everyone of new time.
Announce Departure over CB channel 4
Stop at all turns to confirm vehicle behind sees turn
Stop occasionally to close up ranks
Announce Lunch Stop and Length of Stop
After returning home forward to the webmaster and newsletter editor to be copied and pasted a Run Report and a few photos. In the subject line write “Run Report”
The Dirt Devils Adopt A Trail is Dishpan Springs Trail (3N34)
Dishpan Springs Trail can be found in the San Bernardino National Forest near Lake Arrowhead. The Dishpan Springs Trail is one of the toughest and most popular trails in the SBNF.
The Western
2N26Y is N34° 16.198 W117°
The T6 Bridge: N34° 16.106 W117°
The Eastern entrance: 3N16 is N34°
15.663 W117° 05.116.
The cow bell rules are: If you get stuck and are unable to move under your own power and need the help of a winch or you get strapped from one of your fellow jeepers then you have earned the privilege of hanging a cow bell from your front bumper. You must leave the cow bell on the front of your rig until another Dirt Devil gets stuck then, you can proudly hand it over.
Josh Bleijenberg TDS 2/28/14
Ortega supposedly has the old brown bell)
Rick Walter Cleghorn January 2014
High Centered and
yanked with help from Josh
Mike Wallace Cleghorn January 2014 water pump went out Ray Kleinhuizen to give
Ray Kleinhuizen Coyote Flat July 2013
Mike Ortega Big Bear Holcomb Creek high centered and yes that
is the winch controller in his hand.
June 2013
Pete Johnson: Corral Canyon May 2013
Ray Kleinhuizen Moab UT broke shock and track bar mount and rear differential supports. April 2013
Don Young Moab UT broke a ring and pinion on his new dana 60 but he did limp out April 2013
Dan Delp 3. Can you say Calico.
Cow bells 1, 2 and 3
Dan, hang them with pride.